State Enablers
These are government institutions, bodies or ministries which are created with an aim of instigating business growth through dedicated frameworks, environment, tools and support structures.
M.S.E.A (Micro-small) and medium enterprise authority Kenya).
– MSEA is a state corporation domiciled in the ministry of trade & enterprise development.
Available Services:
- One call support center for the SME
- Capacity building and training services for the small and medium enterprises
- Market linkages for goods produced by the SME within the country
- Upscaling support for the SMEs which include grants, to establish production lines
- Skill upgrade programmes for the youth to enable them to become self-reliant, resilient and creative.
Some of their projects include # KYEOP & ILO busy project amongst others
Contacts ;
- Utalii House, utalii lane,10th floor Nairobi
- Tel+254(20)3340006 /+25470066600/+254(0)770666000
- Email:info@msea.go.ke
Website: www.msea.go.ke
This is a one-stop E-Portal for foreign trade information in Kenya. The portal is developed by the Kenyan government in partnership with development partners and implemented by KENTRADE.
Available Services:
- Database on Foreign trade procedures.
- An all-inclusive step-by-step guide to importing or exporting various products including required licenses/permits, registration, regulations, tariffs, charges, and expected timelines.
- Market analysis tools that link to the global trade help desk.
Website: www.infrotradekenya.go.ke
k.I.R.D(Kenya Industrial Research & Development).
KIRDI is a national institution established under the science technology and innovation ACT 2013 to undertake multidisciplinary research & development in industrial and allied technologies.
Available services:
- Support, capacity building, and training services to the SME to enable them to establish, manufacturing entities in the counties.
- Manufacturing incubation services to the SMEs
- Fully equipped common manufacturing facilities including an away of sample products that can be adapted for mass manufacturing.
- Guidance services on individual product development, customization, branding, marketing, Quality Control, and link to relevant registrations.
- Popo road off Mombasa road south c. Nairobi Kenya
- Tel:254-202388216/2393466/0724214092
Website : www.kirdi.co.ke
K.I.E (Kenya Industrial Estates LTD).
K.I.E LTD was established in 1967 as a subsidiary of the Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation (ICDC) to promote indigenous entrepreneurship by Financing small-scale and micro-enterprises in Kenya.
Available services:
- Loans to establish micro, small & medium industries (MSMEs)countywide
- Affordable medium to long-term credit to MSMEs for the purchase of machinery, equipment, and working capital. For a start-up, expansion, moderation, or rehabilitation, focus on priority sectors identified in vision 2030.
- Bid Bond and performance bond facilities
- Incubation, advisory, guidance services for those keen on starting small industries in Kenya
- Ready workspaces, Business center with flexible shared utility provisions e.g. management /technical supports, accounting, legal, secretarial, internet and
Networkings etc.
- Likoni/Lusinget Road
Nairobi, industrial area
- Tel:+254-722 297 636
+254-736 310 416
- Email: admin@kie.co.ke
Website: www.kie.co.ke
KENIC (Kenya Network Information Centre).
KENIC is licensed to manage and administer the dot.ke county code top-level domain (.ke cc TLD) name. This is used strategically as an initiative to maintain the country.
Identity on the online space, while facilitating growth and uptake of the internet sub-sector in Kenya.
Available services:
- Secure and county aligned.KE domains for purchase
- On-boarding assistance to get your domain up and running.
P.O BOX 1461-00606
- TEL:+254-715275483/+254204450058/9
- Email: info@kenic.or.ke
- Website : kenic.or.ke
R.A (Kenya Revenue Authority).
KRA was established by an act of parliament, chapter 469 of the laws of Kenya, which become effective on 1st July 1995. One of its functions is to collect Revenue on behalf of the government of Kenya.
Available Service:
- Advice on all matters regarding tax payments, compliances, and administration as per the specified provisions of the written laws of Kenya
- Trade facilitation so as foster compliance with tax & custom legislation.
P.O BOX 48240-0100 GPO
- +254-204999999/+254-711099999
- Email : call centre @kra.go.ke
Website : www.kra.go.ke
KEBS (Kenya Bureau of Standards).
KEBS’s key roles include amongst others, the development of benchmarks, quality controls, harmonization, and adoption of set standards for manufactured goods from Kenya and abroad.
Available Services :
- Accreditation and certification of products from Kenya and abroad
- Sample product testing and subsequent training on Quality management protocols
- Pre-Export verification of conformity and issuance of related licenses
- Issuance of relevant standardization marks as per the individual class of products including place of origin
- Advisory services and transfer of Knowledge to the SME as they establish functional production and distribution infrastructure.
P.O BOX 54974-00200
- TEL: 254(20)694 8000
0722 202 137/0734600471/2
PVOC:0724 255 242
- EMAIL: info@kebs.co.ke
Website: www.kebs.org
KEINVEST(Kenya Invest Authority).
KEINVEST is a statutory body established in 2004 through an act of parliament (investment promotion Act No.6 of 2004) with the main objective of promoting investments in Kenya, facilitating the implementation of new investment projects, providing after-care services for new or existing investments, and organizing investment promotion activities in Kenya and abroad.
Available Services:
- Information /data on investment opportunities and sources of capital.
- Information on the Business climate & operating Rules.
- Assistance to obtain relevant business licenses, permits, incentives, or exemptions.
- Post-project roll-out assistance, interventions, and advice.
- One-Stop Centre (OSC) with all key government departments that offer key services including Business Registration, immigration taxes, environment, power & County representation.
P.O BOX 55704-00200
- Email: info@invest.go.ke
Website : www.invest.go.ke
KEPROBA (Kenya Promotion and Branding Agency).
KEPROBA was established through a special Kenya gazette notice dated 9th august 2019 issue 565, after the successful merger of E.P.C (export promotional council) and brand Kenya board. Its core mandate includes advocating, coordinating, harmonizing, implementing, export promotion, National branding initiatives, and policies that promote Kenyan goods or services in the export market.
Available services:
- Advice to Kenyan exporters including in technology, upgrading, quality, design improvement, and product development.
- Export assistance including trade information on available foreign markets
- Information and links to export promotion events, trade fairs, and buyer-seller meetings
- Data on monitored markets and intelligence on new frontiers that Kenyan businessmen can take advantage of, to increase or diversify exports.
- Advice on How to integrate the Kenyan identity and footprints of their products.
- Information on Brand Kenya’s ongoing initiatives including branding guidelines for Exporters.
- Crucial information on Export procedures, documentation, market, entry requirement and marketing techniques.
- Issuance of made in Kenya brand badge protocols guidelines and benchmarks
- O BOX 40247-0100 GPO
- TEL: +254-20 222 8534-8
+254-722 205 875/0734 228 534
- TEL: +254-20 271 523 6/7
+254-102 164 100
P.O BOX 40500-0100 NAIROBI
- Email: chief exe @brand.ke
Website : www.epc.co.ke
PPRA (Public Procurement Regulatory Authority).
PPRA come into being after the last enactment of the public procurement and assets disposal act in January 2016.
Its functions include monitoring, assessing, and reviewing the public procurement and asset disposal system to ensure they respect the National values or other provisions including Article 227 of the construction on Public Procurements
Available Services:
- List of code of ethics that procuring and winning bladders must adhere to when undertaking public procurements or disposal with state organs and public entities
- A detailed list of all state assets lined for disposal including all upcoming procurements
- Window to lodge complains regarding a biased tendering process pertaining to procurements or disposal within a state institution including county government
- Documents on standard public procurement and disposal procedures.
- Advice and technical support on procurement and disposals (upon request)
- List of those prohibited from participating in tenders or those debarred.
- Benchmarked prices of goods, services, and works including information on relevant comparisons.
- Statistics related to public procurement and asset disposals.
Contacts :
- O BOX 58535-00200 NAIROBI KENYA
- TEL: +254-020-3244000/2213106
- Email: info@ppra.go.ke
- Website : ppra.go.ke
KETRB (Kenya Engineering Technology Registration Board).
KETRB was established in accordance with the engineering technology Act No.23 of 2016 part II section 3, with a mandate to set standards for engineering technologies and technicians, including issuing of licenses to those who are qualified as per the provisions of the Act.
Available services:
- Professional training & internship for engineering students.
- Documented guidelines on fees to be changed by engineering technologists and firms undertaking professional services.
- Opportunities to sit for professional exams for registration (where) applicable.
- Table of minimal standards a professional engineering technologist must adhere to as they discharge contracted works or services.
- Vetting services on the qualifications of an engineering technology professional intending to practice in Kenya from abroad.
- License for a qualified person under the of the act including for technicians and Jua kali artisans
- Certifications of construction sites where construction, installation, erection, alteration, renovation, maintenance, processing, or manufacturing works are going on.
- Technical University Of Kenya
Haile Selassie Avenue
P.O Box 37046-0020 Nairobi Kenya
TEL: +254 740 137 877
- Email: info@ketrb.go.ke
- Website: www.ketrb.go.ke
KENAS is the sole National Accreditation Body (NAB) mandated to offer accreditation services in Kenya. It is established under the status corporation Cap 466, legal notice no 55 in May 2009. Its operation falls under the ministry of industrialization trade & enterprise development.
Available services:
- Vetting and accreditation to assessment bodies (CABS) including affecting the competency to carry out assessment activities.
- Accreditation certificates and symbols to accredited bodies (CABS)
- A Register of all accredited in Kenya including their real-time status.
- Training services accreditation and conformity assessment matters.
- Embankment plaza (2nd floor Longonot road, upper hill Nairobi- Kenya)
- Tel: +254-725 227 640
+254 -787 395 679
- Email : info@kenyaaccreditation.org
Website: www.kenas.go.ke
KENAS :(Kenya Accreditation Services).
KENAS is the sole National Accreditation Body (NAB) mandated to offer accreditation services in Kenya. It is established under the status corporation Cap 466, legal notice no 55 in May 2009. Its operation falls under the ministry of industrialization trade & enterprise development.
Available services:
- Vetting and accreditation to assessment bodies (CABS) including affecting the competency to carry out assessment activities.
- Accreditation certificates and symbols to accredited bodies (CABS)
- A Register of all accredited in Kenya including their real-time status.
- Training services accreditation and conformity assessment matters.
- Embankment plaza (2nd floor Longonot road, upper hill Nairobi- Kenya)
- Tel: +254-725 227 640
+254 -787 395 679
- Email : info@kenyaaccreditation.org
- Website: kenas.go.ke
C.D.C (Industrial & Commercial Development Corporation).
ICDC was established in 1954 to facilitate the industrial and economic development of Kenya by aiding in the initiation, assistance, and expansion of industrial and commercial undertakings.
As a development finance institution I.C.D.C falls under the ministry of industrialization, trade & enterprise development.
Available services:
- Financing for the establishment of industrial and manufacturing enterprises.
- Loans facilities, asset financing, lines of credit, bridging finance, and contract financing for the expansion of industrial and commercial enterprises.
- Infrastructure for the formation of partnerships and joint ventures to undertake a specific activity for an agreed period.
- Strategic partnerships with companies that have strong growth potential and a demonstrated ability to earn solid profit margins but lack security to access loans.
- Uchumi, House (18th Floor)
P.O Box 45519-00100
Aga Khan Walk
- Tel +254-020-2229213/0202771000
+254-727-534 572
Website : www.icdc.co.ke
IDB Capital Limited.
IDB capital LTD is a development finance institution established by the government of Kenya on 12th January 1973, as a vehicle to further economic development amongst Kenyans and assist in the promotion, Expansion & modernization of medium to large scale industrial enterprises
Available services:
- Project financing (60-70 % of project cost with a minimum amount of 5 million up to Ksh 200 million)
- Flexible asset finance facility with competitive interest Rates
- Working capital facility –payable in up to 36 months(minimum lending amount is Ksh 5 million)
- 18th Floor National Bank Building
Harambee Avenue
P.O box 44036-00100 Nairobi Kenya
Tel: (020)2248600/0733221111, 0728970 750
- Email: bizcare@idbkenya.com
- Website: idbkenya.com
N.T.C (Kenya National Trading Corporation LTD).
K.N.T.C is a state corporation in the ministry of Industrial, trade & enterprise development. Which was incorporated in 1965. Its main function includes amongst others to act as procurement agents for the government of Kenya and participating in the promotion of wholesale and retail trade to strengthen the supply chain of essential products.
Available services:
- Support for the micro small & medium enterprises (MSME) sector through the supply of Raw materials and identifications of markets (Local or Foreign) for their product
- Support for business in Kenya to set up trading houses in export markets for goods manufactured in Kenya
- Relevant inputs for the agriculture value chain
- E-trade, wholesale, retail businesses adverting and promotion assistance in line with the vision 2030 initiative
- Warehouse leasing services for bulk products storage by the MSMEs
- Promotion services of Brands from Kenya in aggregated Foreign markets with like-minded partners.
- N.T.C complex yarrow road
Off Nanyuki road, industrial area
p.o Box 30587-00100
- Tel:(+254) 202430861, 2430824
+254 714563911
- Email: kntc@kntc.co.ke
- Website : kntc.co.ke
I.P.I (Kenya Industrial Property Institute).
K.I.P.I is a parastatal under the ministry of industrialization trade and enterprise development. The institute was established on 2nd May 2002 after the enactment of the industrial property Act, Cap 509 of the laws of Kenya
Available Services:
- Industrial property rights include; patents, trademarks, industrial designs & trade secrets certification
- Technological information on I P protection upon request
- Creativity on industrial property and related registrations
- KIPI Center Kabarsian avenue, off waiyaki way
P.O box 51648 -00200, Nairobi Kenya
- Tel: 020-6002210/11/6006326/29/36, 23 86220
- Email: info@kipi.go.ke
Website : www.kipi.co.ke
KECOBO (Kenya Copyright Board).
KECOBO is a state corporation that was established under section 3 of the Copyright Act Cap 130 of the laws of Kenya to administer and enforce copyright and related rights in Kenya.
Available services:
- Registration services/licenses on copyright work in the diverse field including; literacy works, dramatic works, musical works, artistic works, recordings, broadcasts, etc.
- Organizing training programmes on copyright and related rights/ enlightening the public on matters related to licensing
- Supervision the activities of the collective management societies
- Maintaining an effective databank of the creative stakeholders and their works
- Coordinate and oversee the implementation of the laws and international treaties & conventions to which Kenya is a party and which relate to copyright for other rights provided for under the ACT.
- NHIF Building (5th floor –community )
Ragati Road/Ngong road
P.o box 34670-00100
- Tel: +25420-2533869/59
0713761758, 0756460413
- Email:info@copyright.go.ke
- Website : copyright.go.ke
C.A.K (Competition Authority of Kenya).
CAK was established under the Competition Act No 12 of the year 2010. Its core mandate is to enhance the welfare of the people of Kenya by promoting and protecting effective competition in markets and preventing misleading market conduct throughout Kenya
Available resources:
- Recommendations on mergers & acquisitions of Business entities and Nods on approvals or rejection of the same to avoid unwanted concentration of economic power.
- Investigation and complaint center relating to the false or misleading representation, unconscionable conduct as well as supply of unsafe, defective, or unsuitable goods.
- Advice on the abuse of buyer power
- Guideline on the creation of consumer bodies (CB) and the standards they should adhere to while opening engagement to sensitize consumers about their right
- Liaise with regulatory bodies, public groups & the SME in matters relating to the competition or consumer welfare.
- Kenya Railways Staff Retirement
Benefit Scheme Block D, 1st Floor,
Haile Selassie Avenue
P.O box 36265-00200
Nairobi, Kenya
- Tel: +254 202628233/+254202779000
Sms shortcode -22272
- Email: infp@cal.go.ke
- Website : cal.go.ke
- Email: integrity@cal.go.ke
- Hotline: +254-202779114
: +254-202779000
KENTRADE: (Kenya Trade Network Agency).
KENTRADE is a state agency under the National treasury mandated to facilitate cross border trade and to establish, manage & implement the electronic single window system (Kenya Trade net System) to lodge documents electronically, for processing, and approvals, & make payments electronically for fees, levies, duties, taxes on imports or exports.
Available services:
- A single window facilitation tool that enables parties involved in international trade to submit regulatory import & export-related documentation through a single platform.
- A one-stop desk portal connected to ITC, UNCTAD & WTO so that stakeholders can disorder trade opportunities, import/export information, market dynamics tariffs, regulatory Requirements, potential buyers, etc.
- Training on trade net, export, import procedure and practices
- A directory of import and export trade- information procedures/regulations for Kenya.
- Embankment plaza – 1st floor
Longonot Road, Upper hill
P.O BOX: 36943-00200 –NAIROBI
- Tel: +254-709950000
- Email: contactcentre@kentrade.co.ke
- Website : kentrade.go.ke
Jubilee arcade 3rd floor, Moi Avenue
EPZ AUTHORITY (Export Processing Zones Authority).
EPZA is a state corporation, which was established in 1990 under the EPZ act cap 517 of the laws of Kenya with a core function of promoting and facilitating export oriented investment and to develop an enabling environment for these investments.
Available services:
- P.Z (economic processing zones) facilities in the whole country
- Guidelines on setting up operations in the EPZ facilities for all interested investors
- EPZ agencies
- List of all fiscal, physical, and procedural incentives available to investors intending to start operation within the EPZ facilities
- One-stop-shop bringing together relevant government bodies eg KRA (Kenya Revenue authority, Kenya port authority amongst others to ensure fast set-up and smooth operations within the EPZ.
- Advocatory services for exporters with majority local Kenyan shareholding to set under the EPZ programme. Targeted sectors include in; horticulture, food processing, textiles, apparel, leather, commercial crafts, BPO & ICT.
- Initiate capacity building in strategic business planning, quality control, financial management, Human Resource Management, Export marketing, etc.
- Administration Building, Viwanda Road
Off Nairobi-Namanga Highway
Athi River, Kenya
P.o Box 50563-00200
Nairobi, Kenya
- Tel: 0709537000/0713-051172/3
0786-683222, 0733683222
Mombasa Office
- Kaundu avenue off Dedan Kimathi Street –Kizingo
P.O BOX 89474-08100 Mombasa
- Email: infomsa@epzkenya.com
- Tel: 0706 468 499, 0799,428,467 , 020 3555 361
- Alpha House, 3rd Floor, Oginga Odinga Street
P.O Box 2689-40100
- Tel: 0742288252/742 288 253
Email: infoksm@epzkenay.com
Website: https://epzkenya.com
Trade Mark East Africa:
TMEA is an Regional Institution funded by a Range of development agencies, east African states (including Kenya), the private sector and civil society organizations to support Regional and international trade.
- Initiate flame works to increase cross border trade by the citizen from the eight Nations that form the east African block e.g one stop border posts.
- Unlock the economic potential of east Africa by reducing barriers of trade to increase business competitiveness.
- Promote Rapid advances in east Africa’s integration using trade as a tool
- Improve the live hoods of east Africans and reduce poverty among the citizens by implementing efficient interventions.
- Create capacity among business to report pernicious trade barriers (NTBs) and advocate for their removal.
- Develop automation capacity to simplify trade procedures through development of portals eg the single windows of trade (SWIFTS)
- Work with the private sector to increase their capacity to compete with imports, by enabling them produce competitive goods and services for their customers.
- Create partnerships with targeted farms in the horticulture and tourism sectors to increase to untapped or targeted emerging markets.
- Fidelity insurance centre
Waiyaki way, westlands Nairobi
- Tel : +254 20423500 +254 315 425
- Email: info@trademarkea.com
- Website:www.trademarket.com
N.I.T.A (National Industrial Training Authority).
NITA is a state corporation established under the industrial training (amendment) act of 2011. Its core function is to promote the highest standards in the Quality and efficiency of industrial training in Kenya and ensure an adequate supply of properly trained manpower at all levels in the industry.
Available services:
- Skill upgrade training courses for the formal and informal sectors eg artisanship, proficiency and other tailor-made projects eg K.Y.E.O.P programme.
- Industrial training, occupational skills training, and National government-grade tests
- Develop industrial training curricula’s
- Integrated labor market information and skills development guidelines
- Roadmaps for self-employment or entrepreneurship as a catalyst for poverty and on employment alleviation.
- Commercial street, industrial area
+254-720-917897, 736-290676, 772-212488
Hotline: +254-753-244676
- Email: directorgeneral@nita.go.ke
Regional Offices:
Website: www.nita.go.ke
Y.E.O.P (Kenya Youth Employment & Opportunities Project).
KYEOP (2016 -2021) is a project funded jointly by the government of Kenya and the World Bank. Its development objective includes: To increase employment and earning opportunities among youth aged 18-29 years (with some components extending up to 35 years) who are jobless and have experienced extended spells of unemployment or currently working in vulnerable jobs. Targeted youth include those with a high-school education, primary school education or have never been to school.
Mandate of KYEOP project:
- Offer skills upgrade training in diverse fields and entrepreneurship support
- Train the beneficiaries on other alternatives including life skills to enable them to be more adaptive, well behaved and well equipped to effectively deal with demands and challenges of everyday life.
- Offer core business skill training to equip the youth beneficiaries with business, financial, entrepreneurial and management skills.
- Bruce House, 3rd Floor North wing
Standard Street, next to 680 hotel
P.O BOX 30050 -00100
Nairobi, Kenya
- Tel: 0793060440/0793060444
- Email: kyeop@psyg.go.ke
Website: www.kyeop.go.ke
ICT AUTHORITY (Information & Communication Technology) AUTHORITY.
ICT authority is a state corporation under the ministry of information communication and technology. The corporation was established in August 2013 with a mandate of promoting ICT literacy, capacity, innovation and enterprise development in line with the Kenya National ICT master plan 2017.
- Champion and harness ICT for efficient and effective public service delivery, wealth creation, and well-being of Kenyans.
- Promote ICT literacy and capacity building through targeted training.
- Promote e- government services.
- Work with the private sector to advance ICT innovation and enterprises.
P.O BOX 27150-00100
- TEL +254 202211960 /202211961
- EMAIL: info@ict.go.ke or Communications @ ict.go.ke
- WEBSITE :www.ict.go.ke
K.A.L.R.O (Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization).
KALRO is a corporate body which was created under the Kenya Agriculture and Research Act of 2013 to establish suitable legal and institutional framework for coordination of Agricultural Research in Kenya.
Available services:
- Updated Research findings in the field of agriculture
- Support /training/capacity building for Kenyans in the agribusiness
- Grants to research institutes and persons desirous of carrying out research and training programmes in the agricultural sector.
- Researched Resourceful technologies in the field of agriculture
- Planting materials certified seeds, day old chicks, in calf heifers and breeding bulls for farmers to integrate in their agribusiness.
- Develop livestock disease control technologies
- Develop and avail technologies that address the constrains in the livestock subsector which include;
- Provide livestock of high genetic potential
- Improve feed availability throughout the year
- Develop disease control technologies
- Improve value addition for milk, hides, skills
- Provide improved varieties of crop seeds to farmers
- Offer tailor-made trainings to students, internships, farm inspection, visits, and advisory services
- Sale of planting materials, day-old chicks, heifers, and breeding bulls.
- Generate improved agriculture practices and transfer the same to farmers using in-house outreach programmes.
- Assist farmers practicing small-scale farming to reap maximum benefits by integrating technology and available science based innovations.
- Develop technological innovations including apps to assist farmers manage their activities in a modern way.
Available mobile applications from KARLO;
- KARLO Dry land crops App
- Range pasture seed production
- KARLO avocado seedling
- Karlo avocado varieties
- Karlo cashew nut
- Karlo coconut
- Karlo coffee
- Karlo garlic production
- Karlo gooseberry
- Karlo quava production
- Karlo macadamia net
- Karlo mango propagation
- Karlo medicated feed blocks
- Karlo banana varieties
- Karlo cassava varieties
- Karlo cowpeas varieties
- Karlo pyrethrum seedlings
- Karlo spided flower production
- Karlo sugarcane production
- Karlo tea seedling
- Kenya observatory platform (KAOP)
- KMFRI Aquaculture farming
- Mahindi Bora For Highland Regions
- Mahindi bora for medium attitudes
- Potato cyst nematode control
- Production of pomegranate
- Karlo Gizz App
Location: headquarter
- Kaptagat road, loresho
P.o Box 57811-00200 Nairobi Kenya
- Tel:0722206986/0722206988/0733-333223/0733333224/0733333299/073633294
- Email : info@kairo.org
- Website :www.kairo.org
- Fibre line : 0709104000-60/0720707000
Branches :
- Horticultural Research Institute –Thika
Tel: 020-2055038
Email : director.hri@karlo.org
- Sheet & goat Research Institute
Tel: +254 692 102 040
Email: directorsgri@karlo.org
Marsabit town
- Dairy Research Institute
Tel:+254-020 2390930
Email: directordri@karlo.org
- Sugar Research Institute
Tel: +254 020 204 7307/+254 02020 204 7308
Email: sri@karlo.org
website: www.kalro.org
K.E.T.R.A (Kenya Trade Remedies Agency).
KETRA was established by section 3(1) of the Kenya Trade Remedies Act (2017) on 16th August 2017. Its core mandate is to investigate allegations of dumping and subsidization of imported products into Kenya
- Investigate and evaluate allegations of dumping and subsidisation of imported products into Kenya
- Investigate and evaluate requests for the application of safeguard measures on any product imported into Kenya
- Conduct public awareness and training activities relating to imports standardization and the effects of harmful trade practices
- Investigate and impose anti-dumping, counterfeiting trade safeguard penalties
- Mwanzi Road Opposite Westgate mall Westlands Nairobi Kenya
- Tel:+254722201368, 0734646004/5 , +254(020)232481
- Email: info@kam.co.ke
Website : www.kam.co.ke
ACA (Anti Counterfeit Authority).
ACA was established under the anti-counterfeit ACT of 2008 as a state corporation with a core mandate of prohibiting trade in counterfeit goods. The agency comes into operation in June 2010.
- Enlighten and inform the public on matters relating to counterfeits.
- Combat counterfeiting trade, including seizure and destruction of such goods.
- Promote training programmes in liaison with other organisations to discourage counterfeiting
- Enforce intellectual property rights for genuine products.
- National Water plaza
3rd Floor Dunga Road Industrial Area
P.O BOX 47771-00100(GPO) Nairobi Kenya
- Email :info@ aca.go.ke
- Website : aca.go.ke
NCA (National Construction Authority).
NCA is a National Government Organization which regulates streamlines and builds capacity in the construction industry.
NCA come into being after the successful enactment of the National Construction Authority Act in 2011 and subsequent operating regulations on 6th June 2014
Available services:
- List of certified, approved contractors in Kenya
- Registration /Upgrade Services for New and practising contractors in Kenya
- Appraisal trainings for constructors, artisans and relevant stakeholders
- Certificates for approved artisans
- Research finding in the field of construction
- Construction projects registration and certification services
- Construction projects quality control and compliance certification services.
Location: headquarter
- KCB towers, 9th floor, Kenya Road Upper Hill Nairobi
- Tel: +254 709 126 102/172/173
- Email : info@nca.go.ke
- Website : nca.go.ke
Regional Office Nairobi
- Hill plaza – 1st floor
Off ngong road, community area
- Tel: +254-701 913723
Email: Nairobi@nca.go.ke
Regional Offices: Isiolo , Embu, Kisumu, Nakuru, Eldoret, Mombasa, Kitui, Kajiado, Kiambu, Kericho, Njeri, Garissa, Kakamega
K.I.T.I (Kenya Industrial Training Institute).
K.I.T.I was established in 18965 with the support of the Japanese Government. It is the only department under the ministry of industrialization offering training programmes.
Available Services:
- Hands-on training in technical skills with a strong component of entrepreneurship skills for self-employment.
- Skill upgrade training for artisans, craftsmen, technicians, engineering graduates, engineers, and entrepreneurs to work in the existing industries and for self-employment.
- Training for middle-level managers in the industrial sector
- Research findings in projects and products that would accelerate industrialization
- Nationally recognized certification to trainees seeking employment or entrepreneurship.
Training departments include:
- Mechanical engineering
- Building & construction
- Electrical & electronics engineering
- Leather technology
- Information communication technology
- Fashion Design & Clothing technology
- Food & Beverages
- Business Management & entrepreneurship
- Solai Road
P.O BOX 280-20100
Nakuru Kenya
- Tel :+254512216755 +254512216291, +25451738233765 +254774944615 , 0714579276
- Email : director@kiti.co.ke
Website : www.kiti.ac.ke
V.E.T.A (The Technical & Vocational Education & Training).
TVETA authority is a public corporate agency established under the technical and vocational education & training (TVET) Act No.29 of 2013 to regulate and coordinate training in the county through licensing, registration and accreditation of programmes, institutions & trainers.
- Mobilise resources for the development of training programmes.
- Ensure the maintenance of standards of training, Quality, and relevance in all aspects eg Open, Distance & electronic learning.
- Monitor evaluate, inspect institutions for compliance with set training benchmarks
- Liaise with National, County Governments, the general public, and the private sector to advance the issue of vocational training
- Collect, examine & publish information relating to training including a list of certified training institutions.
- Inspect a training system that meets the needs of both the formal and informal sector.
P.O BOX 35625-00100
- TEL: +25420-2392140/0700015440
- Email ; info@tveta.go.ke
- Website: tveta.go.ke
R.S (Business Registration Service).
B.R.S is the central repository of public statutory information on Kenyan companies and Business names. It falls under the office of the attorney general and the state department of justice.
- Business name search and reservation
- Registration of limited liability partnerships
- Registration of societies
- Integrate all services under the E-citizen portal for online self-care
- Maintain a list of all registrations
- Sheria House , 2nd floor, harambee avenue
P.O BOX 30031-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
- Tel: +254(020)2227461/0711-944555
- Email : eo@brs.go.ke
- Website :www.brs.go.ke
All Huduma Center & E-citizen Portal (APP)
K.O.T.D.A (Konza Technologies Development Authority).
KOTDA was established in 2013 by the government of Kenya as a special purpose entity for the development of Konza city into a sustainable world-class technology Hub.
- Develop capacity in Konza technological city for businesses to locate expand and establish operations in Konza City.
- Encourage entrepreneurs to invest in Konza City by availing investment opportunities Available.
- Ensure Konza grows into a sustainable, world-class technology hub and a major economic driver for the nation, with a vibrant mix of businesses, workers, residents, and urban amenities.
- Attract real estate developers & prospective tenants.
- Provide incentives, services & infrastructure to attract investments.
- Secure funding at attractive market rates to effectively leverage on the resources.
- Distribute parcels of land to investors equitably.
- Guide real estate development as per the master plan
- Facilitate business at Konza through the expeditious and clear one-stop procurement office
- Konza Complex
Nairobi –Mombasa Road Konza
- TEL: +25420-4343013/+254204343014
- EMAIL: konza@konza.go.ke
Website: www.konza.go.ke
Huduma Kenya Programme is a government of Kenya initiative implemented by the ministry of public service youth and gender affairs to turn around public service delivery.
- Provide government services within one-stop services centres in a single location
- Efficiently avail government services at their convenience using other channels including eg.
- Huduma life APP (downlowdable phone applications )
- E & M interactive online one-stop-shop
- Huduma contact centre (single dialling prefix all government services ie 020,6900020)
- Huduma mashinani –a citizen-centred mobile outreach programme that brings services closer to the people at a grassroots level.
- Huduma mashinani –a citizen-centred mobile outreach programme that brings services closer to the people at a grass-root level.
- Huduma Card- a government-owned pre-paid card that enables citizens to make payments for both the public and private sectors.
- 15th Floor Lonrho House, standard street
P.o Box 47716-00100 Nairobi
Email: infor@hudumakenya.go.ke
Website : www.hudumakenya.go.ke
40 branches spread in 40 counties in Kenya.
K.F.C (Kenya Film Commission).
K.F.C is a state corporation under the ministry of ICT, innovation and youth affairs. It was formed under legal notice No 10 of 2005 and consequently, its functions expanded after Legal Notice No 147 of July 2015.
- Promote and market the film industry locally & internationally.
- Identify and facilitate the growth of the film industry.
- Establish and administer a film promotion fund and incubation centres in the counties
- Promote local content
- Develop fiscal and other incentives to promote film making investments in the country.
- Create linkages with other organizations to catalyse growth in the film industry
- Organise trainings and capacity building forum to prospective film makers
- Establish film resource centres and film Hubs in the counties to assist stakeholders
- Initiative programmes that make film production as an enterprise and Job creator
- Offer funding for film productions
- 2nd floor Jumia Place,
Lenana road kilimani
P.o Box 76417-00508
Nairobi- Kenya
- Tel: (020)2714073/(020)2714074
0729407497, 0733650058
- Email : info@filmingkenya.com
- Website: kenyafilmcommission.com
F.C.B (Kenya Film Classification Board).
K.F.C.B is a state corporation established under the film and storage plays Act Cap 222 of the laws of Kenya to regulate the creation, broadcasting, possession, distribution and exhibition of film and broadcast content while protecting the public from harmful contents
Mandate :
- Regulate film and broadcast contents
- Classify film and broadcast contents
- Register and license film agents, local and international filmmakers, distributors & Exhibitors.
- Train broadcast and film makers on production of clean content
- Uchumi House, 15th Floor
P.o Box 44226-00100 Nairobi Kenya
- Tel: 0711222204/0777753355
- Email : info @ kfcb.co.ke
- Website: kfcb.co.ke
Regional Offices:
Nyeri, Embu, Garissa, Kakamega , Kisumu , Eldoret, Nakuru.
D.C (Kenya Development Corporation).
K.D.C was formed by the merger of industrial and commercial development bank capital ltd (IDB) to provide finance and business support to medium and large-scale industries in Kenya.
Available services:
- Financing and Business support to medium and large-scale industries in Kenya.
- Training assistance for entrepreneurs undertaking an expansion of industrial and commercial enterprises.
- Market leads for goods or products made in Kenya.
- 18th-floor Uchumi House Towers, Nkrumah Avenue
- Tel: +254-727-534-572
- Email : info@icdc.co.ke
Website: www.icdc.co.ke
KOMEX is assigned to the ministry of industrialization, trade and enterprise development to promote structured trading of agricultural and non-agricultural commodities so that farmers can sell their products at the desired prices, reduce post-harvest losses and safeguard the right of consumers and buyers.
- Real-time agriculture produces trading prices.
- A secure trading portal for farm products.
- Training and support for farmers in the agriculture value chain.
- Market analytics and structured information on agricultural produce.
- A safe warehouse where farmers can deposit farm produce for storage pending a decision to sell when prices improve.
KIBT-offices –parklands ojijo roads
Tel: +254(0)20-315001/2-4
+ 254(0) 20-310983
Website: www.komex.co.ke
KeNIA is a state corporation established under the sciences technology and innovation (STI) Act, No 28 of 2013. Its core mandate is to develop and manage the National innovation ecosystem.
- Funding assistance to develop technological innovations.
- Facilitation of applications for grants, development of strategies for resource mobilization for strategies for resource mobilization for strategic innovative programmes.
- Capacity building and training programmes for those eyeing the innovation space as a career.
- A resource library full of reports and publications on all things from the innovation ecosystem from around the country.
- Link to the institutions programs including:
- Kenya innovation week
- Innovations champions
- Innovation academy
- Leaders in innovation fellowship
- Support for commercialization of research ideas from individuals, academic institutions and research organisations.
Ground floor, NACOSTI Building, off Waiyaki Way Nairobi- Kenya
Tel: +254-792-446-976
Email: info@innovationagency.go.ke
Website: www.innovationagency.go.ke